Since 1971

with good ingredients
and a warm heart.

Taste the difference in every delicious bite.

About Company +

with good ingredients
and a warm heart.

Taste the difference in every delicious bite.

About Company +

with good ingredients
and a warm heart.

Taste the difference in every delicious bite.

About Company +

with good ingredients
and a warm heart.

Taste the difference in every delicious bite.

About Company +

Our Vision

Crafting the Standard
for Korean Snacks Worldwide

We will become the standard for KOREA SNACK and a leader in GLOBAL SNACK

We are equipped with facilities capable of producing a wide range of snack products demanded
in the distribution process. Additionally, we are constantly researching and developing new products as part of our global advancement efforts.

  • Korean Snack.

  • Grobal Snack.

About Us

We will consistently earn our customers' love with deep flavor and richness.

  • Established


  • Production Cap

    1.25ton per hour

  • Factory Scale (Land)


  • Factory Scale (Building)



Every moment with Sweetie Korea is warm and special.

More Products +

쌀대롱 280g
오리지널 꽈배기 280g
닭다리 치킨맛 스낵 280g
생강대롱 280g
떳다 왕짱 220g
쌀대롱 220g
떳다 떡볶이 스낵 105g
쌀대롱 250g
생강대롱 250g
떳다 떡볶이 스낵 207g
달콤한 한입 꽈배기 280g
달콤한 한입 쌀대롱 280g
청우 쌀대롱 250g
청우 쌀대롱 110g
허니꿀짱 1kg
닭다리 치킨맛 스낵 1kg
생강대롱 1kg
떡볶이 스낵 1kg
허니 꿀꽈배기 1kg
쌀대롱 1kg

HACCP / FSSC 22000

Sweetie Korea is HACCP and FSSC 22000 certified
We adhere to the highest standards for safe food production and delivery.

Request a sample +

Loacation. Loacation. 92, Hyeopseok 2-gil, Namcheon-myeon, Gyeongsan-si,Gyeongsangbuk-do
Tel. 053-811-1010 Fax. 053-811-1038 E-mail.
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